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By: Johnny Anderson

Boost the ‘Boro members welcome their new slate of officers for 2015, duly elected at their recent monthly meeting.  A large turn out of members elected Don White as President, along with Shane Todd as Vice President. Joyce Walters was elected to the position of Secretary and Pat Hasbrouck was elected as the Treasurer. Three members were elected as Board Members at Large.  They are Claudette Guy, Tom Lancaster and Rebecca Hester.

The coming year promises to be an active one, as much is in the discussion stages.  The Spring Celebration, a chicken dinner, is planned for June 6, 2015, from 4 – 7 PM.  The price is $7.00 per plate with desert available.  

The most ambitious event that Boost the ‘Boro puts on is their annual Beast of Bladenboro Festival know locally as “Beast Fest”. It will be held in downtown Bladenboro, Saturday the 31st of October.  An all-out effort goes into making this a day that people from all around the area look forward to with good foods, music, a car show, many varied vendors and general entertainment for the entire family. 

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