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by Joy Warren
At the Noon Work Session, Mr. Chuck Heustess, Executive Director, Bladen County Economic Development Commission, presented information on a Building Reuse Grant. Council approved a resolution for authorizing an application for the Building Reuse Grants Program.
Kate Dixon, Executive Director for the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail asked the Council to adopt a resolution supporting any bills introduced in the NC General Assembly to designate the Coastal Crescent Trail as part of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail.  The Council approved the resolution as presented.
In other business, Council approved Policies and Procedures for NC Step Loan Funds; amended Option Agreement with Mary Greene; approved the FY 17-18 Budget Calendar; set the date for Annual Council Budget Retreat for Feb 27th; approved Budget Amendments #2017-03, Utility Write-Offs, Tax Releases and the Monthly Financial Report.

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