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femaRALEIGH, N.C.–If you are a North Carolina homeowner, renter or business owner with flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program there’s still time to gather the information you need to file a Proof of Loss for your damaged property.

Because some properties only recently became accessible, the normal 60-day deadline has been extended to 120 days from the date floodwaters first invaded your home or business.

File your claim with your insurance agent and compile the information you need to support it. Photos, videos and receipts are helpful in establishing the value of your property and possessions. Check with your agent for requirements.

If you had to dispose of items before the adjuster inspected your property and don’t have photos, it will help if you have the make, model and serial numbers of appliances, heaters, furnaces and water heaters that were hauled away.

If you cannot prove that your belongings were brand new at the time of the flooding, the insurance adjuster may depreciate their value. Any information you can produce to show that your property was new or in almost new condition may increase the amount of your insurance settlement.

If you already have been offered a settlement that you consider too low, you may appeal and submit any information you have to back up your appeal.

Call the agent who sold you the NFIP policy if you have questions.  If you wish to speak with a representative of the NFIP about flood insurance, call 800-621-3362 and press Option 2.

A blank NFIP Proof of Loss document is available online.

For more information on North Carolina’s recovery, visit fema.gov/disaster/4285 and readync.org. Follow FEMA on Twitter at @femaregion4 and North Carolina Emergency Management @NCEmergency.

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