Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingOur rain gauge indicated 1.25 inches of rain as of 6 a.m. today.  A quick check of the National Weather Service gauge at the local airport had the same measurement.

More rain, after a little over 4 days in December, than all of November, but nothing to compare with a very wet October.  In the end, our average annual rainfall is about 50 inches.  May exceed that slightly this year.

Rain remains in the forecast through Tuesday night.

Can you feel the excitement in the air?  We are nearing the Christmas season.  Hope it will be a joyous occasion for you, your family and friends.

What’s your favorite time of the year?  Why????

Bladen County Commissioners meet at 6:30 p.m., today.  Normally, new commissioners would be sworn in, but not this evening.  Everything is pushed back for a few days, until the recent election can be certified.  The State Board tossed out some of the Bladen County charges Saturday, still the local board must certified, may not be the word…canvass, maybe?  If I were an incoming commissioner, I would be disappointed.  Filed in January and February, worked hard all year long and now…..must wait.  It will happen, soon hopefully.

If, or when new congressional districts are re-drawn, hope a portion of Bladen will not be in a district that reaches to Mecklenburg County, from Elizabethtown to Charlotte….difficult to believe anyone could think the two extremes have anything in common.  For both parties, all about power and control.  Same at the state level.

I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to politicians.  Charles De Gaulle

Truth varies.  Rule of Political Promises

Politics is not a bad profession; if you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.  Ronald Reagan

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