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Taking college classes no longer means simply dedicated time in a seat in a classroom. With the availability of interactive computer communications, today’s students can complete coursework online, with interactive television, web-assisted classes, face-to-face encounters with an instructor, and a combination of these options. This is called Distance Learning and in today’s society, it is an attractive alternative to traditional classroom confines.

Among the 58 colleges in the North Carolina Community College Association, Bladen Community College is the only one with certification for a Distance Learning Program. Through a rigorous four-part evaluation process, certification is granted through the United States Distance Learning Association.

Incorporating 124 standards, The USDLA can take up to four months to review a college campus for possible certification. The review process evaluates the four organized areas of administration, leadership, & management, student affairs, teaching & learning, and learning infrastructure.

As a certified Distance Learning campus, BCC is poised to assist students who need college classes on their own schedules and at their own paces. Classes have the same admission, registration, attendance, and academic requirements as do traditional classroom environments.

Bladen Community College offers 100% Distance Learning instruction for Business Administration, Early Childhood Education, Computer Information Systems Technology, Office Administration, Medical Office Technology, Emergency Medical Science Bridging, and General Education. The College Transfer Program offers associates’ degrees in art and science.

Criminal Justice Technology is offered as a web-assisted and hybrid program (a combination of face-to-face instruction and some other method of distance delivery).

All Distance Learning courses are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. BCC participates in the Southern Regional Board and the Electronic Campus, assuring that the Distance Learning Program meets the highest standards of quality.

“Bladen Community College’s distance learning program is a wonderful opportunity for working adults who can’t attend classes on campus during the day or at night,” remarks program director Ray Sheppard. “Our online programs mean the citizens of Bladen and surrounding counties can earn a fully accredited credential that they can use to improve their lives.”

For more information about registering for Distance Learning classes at Bladen Community College, contact Ray Sheppard at 910 879-5542.

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