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By: Robert G. Hester
Bladen County commissioners received a financial update after two months of a new fiscal year at their most recent regular meeting, and the report indicates collections and expenditures are in-line with the budget.
Ad Valorem property tax collections indicate 35.11% of the annual levy have been collected.  The report indicated $7,624,877 had been collected compared with 7,077,635 last year.  Some of the difference could be attributed to a tax increase.  Local options sales tax collections totaled $767,127 over the first two months of the fiscal year, an increase over the $736,666 collected over the same time period a year ago.
Overall income from all sources totaled $12,906,257 or 27.74% of the $46,525,880 budgeted.  A year ago, total receipts from all sources at the same time was $10,583,766.
Expenditures for all budgeted items was $8,687,676 or 18.67%, right on target.
The total of all county funds was $22,314,629.  All is in savings accounts, however the interest rates range from 0.05% to 0.12%.
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