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Keep Bladen Beautiful is seeking entries for their second annual essay contest. The essay should address the importance of recycling and waste reduction and how it impacts our daily lives and our future.  The contest is open to all 6th grade students who either attend school or reside in Bladen County.

KBB President Sondra Guyton said, “We would like to encourage all of our students in Bladen County to think about how they can keep Bladen County green and how they can help encourage people to put litter where it belongs.”

This year’s theme is designed to help young students to understand and think about the importance of recycling and repurposing items when possible. Recycling reduces the amount of waste being placed in landfills.

Recycle Ben said, “Recycling is important not only for reducing the amount the waste in our landfills, but also because it helps protect our wildlife from items that could be harmful to their health. Did you know items like plastic rings from soda cans can cause animals to choke?”

Essays must be one page, typed and double-spaced with a 12 point font. Essays may be dropped off at the mobile unit at Bladen County Solid Waste or may be emailed, as an attachment, to Steve Melson at smelson@bladenco.org no later than April 14, 2017.

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