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RALEIGH, N.C. – March 24th, 1663 the Carolina Charter granted the right to “… levy, muster and train men …” in order to defend the property and peoples of the Carolinas.  The North Carolina National Guard has been on duty ever since. North Carolina National Guard Citizen Soldiers and Airmen for 354 years have been trusted by their neighbors to bear arms in defense of liberty, state and nation.

Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina, signed a proclamation declaring March 24, 2017 “North Carolina National Guard Heritage Day” across the state.

During the ceremony, for the first time in NC Guard history, three Guardsmen from Monroe, Morganton and Pinehurst will receive the newly approved “North Carolina National Guard Soldier and Airman Medal” for heroism.  The North Carolina National Guard Soldier and Airman Medal (NCSAM) is awarded in recognition of acts of personal heroism or extraordinary achievement.

The NC National Guard has served with distinction in World War 1 and World War 2. Since 9-11, more than 22,000 NC National Guardsmen deployed for wartime service. The NCNG was the first to deploy a Reserve component attack aviation battalion into Afghanistan in 2002. The NCNG is the only state to have an Armored Brigade Combat Team deploy twice as an independent maneuver brigade commanding its own terrain in Iraq.

Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, well over 3,000 Citizen-Soldiers and Airmen have supported N.C. and many other states in response to natural disasters.

The North Carolina National Guard is a ready, reliable, responsive and relevant force that is committed to serving the citizens of our state and nation. The North Carolina National Guard works in support of our partners in N.C. Emergency Management and other State agencies in order to coordinate support for natural disaster incidents. The North Carolina National Guard is one of the oldest institutions in our state.  Countless business, civic and religious leaders served in the Guard throughout our history.

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