
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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WASHINGTON – During his final month in power, President Obama provided $261 million U.S. tax dollars to the Palestinian Authority.

The first $40 million was released just prior to the December 23rd United Nations Security Council vote on Resolution 2334, which was related to Israeli settlements in the West Bank.  The remaining $221 million was released just hours before President Obama left office, despite objections from House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (CA-39) and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman Kay Granger (TX-12).

Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance Chairman Steve Pearce (NM-02) and Vice Chairman Robert Pittenger issued these statements condemning this last minute maneuver:

“Apparently, the past eight years were not long enough for the Obama Administration to waste taxpayer dollars and promote failed Middle East policies,” said Vice Chairman Pittenger (NC-09).  “In the final hours of his Administration, President Obama felt compelled to continue his rudderless foreign policies by sending over $200 million to Palestine.  We should recognize that a substantial amount of this funding will likely end up supporting violence and other terrorist efforts by Hamas.  While I am disappointed by his decision, I am grateful that we are moving forward with a new Administration that will dramatically improve America’s strategic posture around the globe.”

“President Obama, despite Congressional opposition, provided over $200 million to a known terrorist entity in his final hours of office,” said Chairman Pearce.  “This horrendous action flies in the face of the security and safety of our armed forces and citizens living abroad.  Hamas, the governing party of the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip, has been a foreign terrorist organization since President Clinton designated the organization in 1997.  Time and again, our nation and the global community have seen Hamas commit violence and terror against innocent bystanders.  President Obama’s final action is truly unconscionable.”

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