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GolfballA few years ago three top amateur golfers got together and talked about the lack or tournament activity in southeastern North Carolina. They decided that they would attempt to form an organization that would fill this need for senior golfers.

Southeastern North Carolina has, for the past several years, been a vacation-retirement spot for folks from all over the country who are looking for nice, affordable golf courses to play.

The three amateur golfers, Linwood Hedgepeth, Junior Nance and Rob Conway, decided that a weekly tournament schedule for senior golfers might just fill that void….thus the Southeastern Fellowship Senior Golf Association was formed.

The first tournament held had approximately 40 golfers participating. Since that first tournament in 2014 there has been an average of 56 players each Tuesday during the season, with a maximum of 69 playing in one tournament at Vineyard Golf At White Lake.

The schedule starts in March and continues thru late fall. There are 19 courses used for the thirty-some tournaments played.

The tournaments are four-man affairs with each person using his own handicap and playing his own ball. The handicaps are figured from each player’s previous round, thus handicaps change from tournament to tournament, allowing the organizers to maintain a fair and equitable handicap system.

There are now 105 members of SFSGA playing Tuesday tournaments over some of the best courses in the area. Tournaments start at either 9 or 10 a.m.

The organization has a season ending tourney and banquet, usually held at Land O’ Lakes near Whiteville. At that time yearly rewards are passed out.

Last year donations were made to Bladen We Care and the Columbus County Battered Women’s Association.

Anyone interested in participating in SFSGA is ask to call Linwood Hedgepeth at 910 734-7161.

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