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This Day In History1758—George Washington admitted to Virginia House of Burgess.
1824—Harrisburg Pennsylvania newspaper publishes results of 1st public opinion poll.  Clear lead for Andrew Jackson.
1847—Brigham Young & his Mormon followers arrive a Salt Lake City, UT.
1866—Tennessee becomes 1st Confederate state readmitted to Union.
1877—1st trans-US rail service begins.
1901—O. Henry is released from prison in Austin, Texas after serving three years for embezzlement from a bank.
1905—5th Davis Cup: British Isles beats USA in Wimbledon (5-0)
1929—President Hoover proclaims Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounces war.
1938—Instant coffee invented.
1942—Irving Berlin’s musical “This is the Army” premieres in NYC.
1952—US President Harry Truman settles a 53-day steel strike.
1959—US VP Nixon argues with Khrushchev, known as “Kitchen Debate”
1961—Edwin Newman becomes news anchor of Today Show.
1967—49th PGA Championship: Don January shoots a 281 at Columbine CC Club.
1974—Supreme Court unanimously rules Nixon must turn over Watergate tapes.
1979—President Carter names Paul Volcker, President of Federal Reserve.
1993—NY Met Anthony Young loses record 27th straight.
1998—Russell Eugene Weston, Jr. burst into the United States Capitol and opens fire killing two police officers.  He is later ruled to be incompetent to stand trial.
2002—James Traficant is expelled from the United States House of Representatives on a vote of 420-1.
2005—Lance Armstrong retires after winning a record seventh consecutive Tour de France victory (stripped for doping in 2012)
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