Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingNice to be home from DC…

A look back…
The group I was with in the nation’s capitol earlier this week…visited with Congressman Rouzer and staffers from Congressman Elmers and Jones office….
Good to see former E-town Planner Bryan Martin.  He is working with Congressman Jones in DC.  He led our group through underground tunnels from the office where he works to Congressman Rouzer.  He is learning fast and seems to be settling in….
Speaking of Rouzer, Star Telephone representatives and those from Atlantic TMC of Brunswick County met with him at the same time, same issue.  He appears to be easing into his new job…As a former aide to Sen. Helms, he knows his way around…
Rural telephone representatives also met with North Carolina’s two senators..Space was a problem and Lyman Horne, Star’s GM represented the local telecom.
Construction on the US Capitol building is ongoing…$60 million…As we walked in the area, could not help but think what could be done with $60 million in Bladen County.  Pay for a new jail, and upgrade all the schools…but in DC it is like a “drop in a bucket.”
Saw a demonstration across from hotel Tuesday…workers protesting against some company….Guess it was a labor dispute….closely watched by police and curious onlookers….went on for about an hour and ended peacefully….
A single meal in DC is comparable to taking a family of four out in Bladen at most locations….did not hang around those type places…
I remember an old country song…”I’m walking down your streets tonight big city”….thought about it several times as we walked and walked and walked on Tuesday….
DC looks better in the rear view mirror…
The average traveler wants to go places where there are no tourists…
Detour….The roughest distance between two points.
It always take longer to get there than to get back
robert g hester

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