Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWe celebrate Memorial Day this weekend….Lots of folks on the highways…for many more, just another day…
“Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces.  The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday in May, was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died while in the military service.  It typically marks the start of summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks the end.”  For more info, Google Memorial Day.  Wikipedia is a great source of info.
Many folks will be on the move…travel at your own risk…
What are your earliest memories of Memorial Day?… Not sure, but I do remember that an uncle would ring the church bell on special occasions, sometimes for an extended period of time… I also remember when there was an announcement related to the end of WWII, the bells could be heard.
For many, Memorial Day is a time to visit the graves of those who made the supreme sacrifice and place small flags at the burial sites.  Lest we forget.
My short history class for 2015.
Guess you could say, we dodge a storm yesterday.  A tornado touched down east of us near Bolton in Columbus County.  Fortunately, no injuries.  There was damage to at least one house in the area…
The approximately half inch of rain was welcomed at the Hester household.
Remember when you were in schools this time of the year…days were so long… Thought we would never get to the last day of the school year… Then when I was told what my chores were, I was disappointed school was over.  Plowing the fields behind a mule pulling a “turn plow” or a “peanut weeder” was a different type learning process.
Ahhh, but life is good, even when there is more in the rearview mirror than ahead…
You know your old when by the time the last birthday cake candle is lit the first candle has burnt out.
I love asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because I’m still looking for ideas.
You know old when your ears have more hair than on your head.  Your friends complement you on your alligator shoes but you’re not wearing any shoes. Plus,  your blood type is discontinued.
robert g hester

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