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Thoughts While ShavingEver feel like the world is caving in?
So much turmoil in the world….Isis killing innocent people…..policy makers that are doing much my simple brain cannot comprehend….tornadoes… sharks ….Our political leaders, or wanna be political leaders making statements they think the average voter wants to hear so they can be elected or re-elected….
There are still many good folks using their time on earth to better it…Just need to step back and “clear my head.”
One more….Why would anyone go on TV and share their ‘dark side’ with the world…perfect example…Just about any day with Dr. Phil….
Remember the family of the young Bladenboro girl who has disappeared from home, in your prayers….Hope she is found soon, safe and sound…
And this day marks the half way point of the year 2015…
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
The more I know, the more I know I don’t know.
The secret of true goodness is simplicity.
To those who dream, there is no such thing as impossible.
Its better to have bad breath than to have no breath at all.
Better to understand little than to misunderstand a lot.
robert g hester
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