Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingHope you Christmas was as much fun as ours.   Great Christmas Day.  Now, we wait for credit card bills to determine the cost……but as of now, was worth every penny.


For many, one more day to do as little as you care to do before returning to the ‘grind’.


A friendly reminder, property taxes not paid by January 5, 2017 will have penalty added….again, they were due on September 1, 2016.

So how did you do with this year’s resolutions?


FYI…..hunters will be out today throughout the area enjoying the great outdoors.


Again, remember those who have not enjoyed the best Christmas season ever.  Some having a difficult time for whatever the reason, including some spending their first Christmas without a dearly loved family member who died since last Christmas.  A kind word may make their day.


For many, another shopping day.  For some of us, a quiet day, piddlin’.

How does Jack Frost get to work?  By icicle!


Men are very productive, some can do their shopping for 25 relatives on Christmas Eve in 25 minutes.


Dear Santa, I have been naughty this year……..and it was worth it.

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