Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingFor party-goers, this night may be as good as it gets.  Please be safe as you ring in the New Year.


What do you see as the highlight of 2016?  How about 2017?


Would not suggest a trip to Russia for retiring President Barack Obama, anytime soon.


Interesting to see the reaction of our Congressional leaders to the crackdown on Russian Intelligence activities in the USA.  Also interesting reaction by President-elect Trump.


Time for New Year’s Resolutions, time to list property for taxing purposes for the new year and time to pay your 2016 taxes.


And after 56 years of marriage to my bride (Sarah), we have agreed to try it one more year, the same agreement as previous years.  And, thanks to the Log Cabin Restaurant in Tar Heel for a delicious meal to ‘top off’ our most recent anniversary.  Haven’t tried it?  You should.


You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.  Aristotle


Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365-page book.  Write a good one.  Brad Paisley


A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.  A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.  A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.  Greg S. Reid


Let the previous year-end and the New Year start with the warmest of aspirations, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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