Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI-95 is one of the nations busiest roads, the main corridor between the northeast and the southeastern US is high on the list for funding if Congress and President Trump decide to approve an infrastructure bill.  Actually, in one release I read, North Carolina’s portion of the interstate was near the top of the list. 

A hearty salute to the Bladen County School Administration and the local law enforcement, lead by the Bladen County Sheriff’s Department, for swift action to solve threats to a couple of our schools.  They deserve our praise, so THANKS to both agencies.  Let’s hope and pray others thinking about causing such confusion at our schools, will use better judgement.

As stated earlier, Farrell Murchison has visited several division 1 schools as he makes a decision on where he will play his final 2 years of college football.  Visits have been made to Ole Miss, Texas and Georgia and decision day is close.  In fact, he is expected to make his decision known on February 1, next week, at East Bladen High School.  Could be Bladen’s first athlete to be recruited by either of the schools.

A salute to UNC-P and former West Bladen all-round athlete, Abbey Walters.  She has been named to the 2017 All-Conference pre-season softball team, first team.  She has had a great career as a pitcher and outfielder.  The Lady Braves open their 2017 season, Friday, February 3 at the UNC-P Invitational.  Check John Clark’s article in our sports section.

I may have used this before, if so, it’s OK.  Ever wonder who receives their Social Security check when?  SS benefits are paid to recipients based on their birthday.  Those with birthdays on dates 1-10 receive on the 2nd Wednesday, 11-20 on 3rd Wednesday and 21-31 on 4th Wednesday.  And for those receiving the benefit and those not yet eligible, now you know.

Being president does not keep you from being sued.  A suit was filed recently by a contractor for work completed on the DC hotel leased by the US government to President Trump’s businesses, for failure to pay for services.  Sure they will ‘hammer out the details’.

Work like you don’t need the money.  Love like you’ve never been hurt.  Dance like nobody’s watching.  Satchel Paige

Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.  Thomas Jefferson

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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