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Thoughts While Shaving

I want to elaborate on an article we have on our news page….’Missing Macaw Needs Your Help’…..One of the owners of a business in the industrial park has the most beautiful ‘big bird’ I have ever seen, in his business. Saw it earlier this week, on the shoulder of the owner. The Macaw enjoys much freedom, however, late Friday when the outside door was opened the big, beautiful bird flew away. It is about 2 feet tall, with a 3-4 foot wing span and is red, yellow, blue and green in color. If you see this big beautiful bird, call 910-619-2591 or contact the Sheriff’s Dept.

Had a minister tell me recently about a dream he had. He said he was opposed to the lottery, and had addressed the issue from the pulpit. His dream was that he had won the lottery and he was worried about explaining how he had won. By the time he told me about the dream, no need to worry, it was just that….a dream.

Been thinking about, what if a retiree won the lottery? You know the story, some winners say they will continue to work, others retire immediately. But older retirees no longer work…so can’t tell their employer to ‘Take This Job and Shove It’ as in the old Johnny Paycheck song.

So much happening in Bladen County and BladenOnline captures more than any other news source in or outside Bladen. News You Can Use, and The Best Is Yet To Come.

This weekend should be as good as it gets in January, the last couple of days of the first month of 2016.

One more thought….Check out Paint Night at Lu Mil Vineyard. Call Stephanie Gonzalez at Bladen Community College for details. Call 910-879-5539 for details.

Comments from 60 years ago:

‘Have you seen the new cars coming next year it won’t be long before $2,000 will only buy a used one.’

‘If cigarettes keep going up in price, I’m going to quit. A quarter a pack is ridiculous.’

‘Did you see where some baseball players just signed a contract for $75,000 a year just to play baseball? I wouldn’t surprise me if someday they’ll be making more than the President.’

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