Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWe are on the verge of a holiday weekend…Memorial Day. It’s not just a another long holiday weekend. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. Thank a Vet, today and every day.

Spoke recently about changing a computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10…mistake by me. May be a good move by some, but for me, an expensive move. Could not remove it myself, cost of removing, coming soon. Discovered I am one of many in the same category.

We move merrily along toward a new president. Donald Trump, as has been reported, has garnered 1239 Republican delegates, 2 more than needed, with 5 more states set to cast ballots on June 7.

Hillary Clinton currently has 2209 delegates and needs 173 more to reach the target of 2382 for the Democratic nomination. Bernie Sanders has 1539 delegates committed, and needs 843 more. Primaries remain in the Virgin Island, Puerto Rico & District of Columbia plus 6 states (California, Montana, New Jersey, North Dakota, New Mexico and South Dakota).

The 2016 primary political process began in Iowa on February 1 and ends on June 14 with the District of Columbia election. Then, another 4 1/2 months to the General Election.

I know President Obama is not the most popular president in many areas, but, his negative ratings after nearly 8 years as president are better than Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s negative rating is 57%, Clinton’s negative’s, 52% while President Obama’s negative rating is 47.4%. All stats courtesy of RealClear Politics polling.

Bumper stickers:
Somewhere in Texas there’s a village missing an idiot.
If Democrats and Republicans could read they would be Libertarians.
Annoy a liberal. Work hard and be happy.

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