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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) appeared on Fox News Channel over the weekend to discuss the prospects of bipartisan immigration reform. Senator Tillis recently laid the groundwork for bipartisan immigration reform, and has been meeting with his colleagues – both Republicans and Democrats – to discuss solutions to secure our borders and fix America’s broken immigration system.


Tillis on the bipartisan failure to accomplish immigration reform:

“I think Congress on a bipartisan basis, Republicans and Democrats, have failed to lead in Congress. I think the administrations have failed to enforce the laws that are on the books. That undermines the confidence of the American people that we can actually come up with a solution that protects the borders, protects the homeland, and protects American workers.”

Tillis on why immigration reform should be bipartisan and pragmatic:

“As Speaker of the House, I learned if you don’t get it right that American businesses and workers suffer. You can take a look at policies down in Alabama and Georgia that were devastating to the agricultural community. We made that instructive to the work that we did in North Carolina. I think it is a matter of engaging the stakeholders and recognizing you will never satisfy the far extremes on the left or the right. What we’re trying to do is create something that gets 60 votes and goes to the president’s desk that he will sign.”

Tillis on the “Gang of Eight” immigration reform bill, and why he favors a step by step approach to reform:

“I think the Gang of Eight bill started out with the best of intentions, but did a horrible job as it evolved over time. They reached a point where they simply weren’t going to get support in the House and it became the worst of all outcomes. You have both ends of the spectrum criticizing it for one thing or another and that is why I don’t believe comprehensive reform makes sense.”

Tillis on border security:

“Public safety is a key issue and a concern. But the flip side of it is, if we don’t do it right, the economic impact will harm the people that we have to protect. It’s more a matter of understanding, and I can tell you there’s no better person to help us with that than [Department of Homeland Secretary] General Kelly. He was head of Southern Command and he understands the complexities down on our border and the Mexican southern border, and I’m confident we can come up with something that is not necessarily one single structure across the border, it’s a series of things that we can do to secure the border.”

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